Paper Preparation
- Manuscripts should comply with the format of the ICSV30 Preparation Guide Template.
- Download the ICSV30 paper template and prepare your manuscript according to the instructions given in this file.
- When your paper is ready, generate the corresponding .pdf file.
- Please include the name of the corresponding author in the paper file name.
- The paper file dimension should not exceed 2 MB. If necessary, please reduce the resolution of your illustrations in order to fulfill this request.
- Different word processors or pdf compilers may produce slight difference from the reference teppmplate. Please check carefully the correspondence between the PDF and the ICSV30 Preparation Guide Template.
- Carefully proof read your paper. All papers will be proof read by the ICSV30 Local Organising Committee.
Paper Submission
- Full paper can be submitted only if your abstract was accepted.
- Log in to the Participants area with your login details.
- Click the link "My Papers", which you can find on the right side of the webpage.
- If there is an accepted abstract in My Papers area, click "Detail" button next to the abstract title to open the paper submission form.
- Before submission, please fill in "Author and Co-authors" table at the page bottom. Please do not use exclusively capital letters in authors' information, as part of this information will be used in the authors' index.
- Make sure the abstract and paper titles are the same, carefully check spelling of authors' names and institutions.
- Make sure your paper title is completely in capital letters, for example "NOISE CONTROL OF HYDRAULIC PUMPS".
- Be sure to accept the 'Terms and Conditions' by ticking relevant box under your 'Personal Profile' page.
- Browse and upload the .pdf file of your paper by clicking the button "Update" at the bottom of the submission form.
- Both peer-reviewed and non-peered reviewed papers in ICSV Proceedings are indexed in Scopus. Only peer-reviewed papers will appear in the Web of Science.
- (Note that indexing agencies are third parties outside the control of ICSV and IIAV).
- Papers should be a max 8 pages long.
- Refereed Paper: If you asked your paper to be refereed, please remember that your paper has to be submitted by the KEY DATES.
In case you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by email at and we will help you.
To download the ICSV30 Paper Template, please click here: MS Word template / LaTex template
By submitting your full paper to be published in the ICSV30 Proceedings, you agree to transfer copyright of your paper and its abstract to the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV). For a full description of the terms of the copyright transfer, please click here.
After the review process, all authors will receive an automatic message informing them about acceptance/rejection of their full paper.
All authors are strongly advised to correct/update -if needed- all author & co-author personal data, paper title and summary (as per the full accepted paper) within MY ABSTRACTS menu by clicking on the "edit & details" field, alongside of the abstract name.
For any problems occurring during the full paper submission procedure, please contact at
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